Marketing Training and Mentoring

Helping you and your team to market and sell in international markets

While it's possible to outsource all your digital marketing work, we believe it's important to build some skills and ability for international digital marketing in-house. We therefore provide customised training and mentoring for you and your team for those areas you want to handle.

While the actual website localisation and international marketing strategy development, benefitting from specialised skills and knowledge typically not available in-house, is best outsourced, we firmly believe that, in the long run and during the execution of marketing tactics, it makes sense for you to step by step take back control and bring some of the day to day marketing activity, including international markets, back in-house.

It can be difficult to do international marketing in-house, as it typically requires local market and language knowledge and we know that many smaller SMEs do not necessarily have staff for all required markets and/or languages. However, outsourcing all international digital marketing in the long-term is expensive and not optimal, as marketing requires close insights and understanding of the company – not only about the strategy, but also about day-to-day events and news and new developments which can easily be missed in an outsourced scenario.

We always work closely with our clients and all projects are based on a thorough understanding of your business and your overall business strategy. When it comes to the development of the international marketing strategy we work closely with you, applying our international knowledge to your business and jointly developing a marketing strategy and plan for you.

Training and mentoring your staff, so they they can take on international marketing

When it comes to the execution of the marketing plan, it is a good time for your team to step by step become more involved and start take back control. Depending on your resources, the skills of your team, we will work with you to develop a plan how ongoing international marketing and the execution of marketing tactics can best be done and how you or your team can be trained to take over. Typically, there is a need for skills transfer, training, and mentoring, so that you team – or a dedicated person within your team – can step by step take more ownership of international digital marketing. We will work with you to develop a plan how the skills transfer is best done and then execute this plan. If you currently have no staff for foreign markets, we can also support you in the hiring of new staff, advising on skills and experience required, supporting the interview process etc.

Other international marketing services

Marking strategy

Market research

pic for export market research

Paid advertising

picture of paid advertising and pcc

Content marketing

pic for content marketing

Do you want to find out more about Marketing Training and Mentoring and how Glocafy can help you grow in export markets?